Issue 184

October 2020

Available as a Back Issue

Issue 184 cover


  1. Magic Trick

    The SF90 Stradale is one second faster around Fiorano than the LaFerrari.

  2. Full Article

    The 200-mph Club

    Fast, loud, and turbocharged—the F40 meets the infamous Ruf Yellow Bird.

  3. Full Article


    An unforeseen engine problem transformed a tune-up into a full-car renewal.

  4. Flashback: 456

    In the early 1990s, the 456 reinvented the four-seat Ferrari.

  5. Dauntless

    The Bardahl-Ferrari combined Italian and American know-how.

  6. Balanced Performance

    We talk with factory driver Davide Rigon, who tests F1 cars and races GTs.

  7. Summer Start

    Sebastian Vettel’s out, Carlos Sainz is in, and racing’s about to resume.

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